Sunday, January 26, 2014

Slow Down

“Brush it off! “

“Push through!” 

This world is constantly commanding us to not feel and stay busy; therefore, forcing us out of the present.  Yoga on the other hand encourages quite the opposite.  For most people it enables us to slow down, and to stay in our bodies opposed to consistently being sucked out of it via distractions (i.e. work, television, worry…).  I like what T.K.V Desikachar mentions in his book,  “The Heart of Yoga,” the idea of there being one rule regarding rest:  Take when needed.  This is such a wonderfully simplistic piece of wisdom, and a philosophy yoga embodies.  This yoga sequence above by Colleen Saidman incorporates many twists allowing you to let go of tensions brought on by this world both physically AND emotionally.  Enjoy J

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Fruit Salad

It’s the middle of January, and many of us have new years resolutions at stake.  “This is going to be the year I eat healthy!”  And while I agree with the girls from Tone It Up that, “Abs are made in the kitchen,” who wants a bowl of refrigerated baby carrots to snack on when a heaping serving of warm calorie packed mashed potatoes is the only logical food choice to protect you from the harsh winter cold?  That being said, if the food is prepared right you’ll be left with an unbelievable satisfying meal that won’t leave you with a feeling of remorse after eating.  Case and point: Winter Fruit Salad

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Lovely Surprise

I have taken a bit of a hiatus and have neglected my blog, twitter feed and other social media outlets for over a month now.  “Why?” you may ask.  Life!  It all started back in November when I developed a breast infection (TMI? You nursing moms understand).   My son was also sick and husband out of town.  I am EXTREMELY fortunate to have a mother still willing to take care of me at twenty-five years of age; however, after I was in bed for almost two straight days it became difficult for me to play catch up.  Well, here I am, just about a week into the year 2014 and beginning to feel “caught up.”  I recently opened my twitter feed and came across the name “Tiny Devotions.” What a lovely surprise!  This company’s aim is to, “…spread awareness about mala beads that inspire their wearers to live more peaceful intention based lives.” They have the most beautiful pieces for purchase attached to such a wonderful objective.  I’m in love with the Calm Mala, and think it would be a fantastic Valentine's gift...from my husband ;).  Fall in love with your favorite here: