Thursday, October 31, 2013

Leggings: An Essential for Yogis

Leggings.  In the yoga world, can you ever have enough?  This blog is still fairly new, and in regards to “yogi wear” I’ve written about leggings multiple times.  My philosophy:  If your practicing yoga you should own the same amount of leggings as you do jeans. Dare I say perhaps even owning more?!  So the legging posts shall continue!  Here is a chic pair from Forever 21:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Simple Ingredients. Big Flavor.

I don’t use Pinterest very often.  I find what seems to be an unending amount of information a bit disorienting; however, Pinterest in mild doses can pay off.  This recipe is the perfect example.  I have been in a lunch rut the past few weeks (I’ve lost count of how many tomato sandwiches I’ve made), and was looking for something new and easy (with a seven month old son at home anything complicated is off the menu).  Well this Portobello Mushroom Wrap was perfect in both the convenience and health categories.  It has simple ingredients, which more often than not equals a healthier food choice, and the wrap has such big flavor.  Let me know what you think, or leave some of your favorite wrap recipes below.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

We All Need Yoga

Yoga is beneficial to everyone, for it can be modified to fit all.  Yoga does not discriminate.  It does not push you beyond what your physically capable of, yet it can surprise you by allowing you to go farther than your mind previously believed.  Yoga is not a religion, yet is spiritual.  It’s a way of life.  It’s our choices.  It’s necessary. We all need yoga.

That being said, I encourage you to check out a new site from Andreas Zoltan, creator of, and Erin Motz of the “30 Day Yoga Challenge.”  It’s a revolutionary movement of bringing yoga into the homes of people all over the world.  Making yoga accessible to all, motivating, and social.  Make sure to check it out today:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Out of Control

Manipura, the third chakra of the body, has do to with the power of the will.  When too much energy is focused in this one area of your body (located near the navel) you may deal with the inability to slow down and the need to be in control.  On the contrary, when not enough attention is directed toward this chakra the side-effects are timidity, low energy, and a submissive approach to life.

Personally, I feel as though I have traits of both the excessive and deficient manipura; so wouldn’t that make me balanced?!  Not so much.  Struggling with an extreme trait from both an overactive and dismal third chakra doesn’t necessarily mean the traits counteract one another; it simply exemplifies the inconsistency of “control” within this particular area of my life.

Am I out of control?  I’m not drinking myself under the table, reckless driving, or starting brawls with strangers.  To an outsider looking in I probably appear to be fairly “normal.”  However, you don’t have to perform an extreme act of rage in order to need help, for the goal of balancing the third chakra is to, “…develop the courage to stand your ground, to protect the sacred within, to accept challenges, and maintain power in a firm quiet way;” (“The Sevenfold Journey,” pg. 129 Judith & Vega) to consciously be aware of our decisions, who we allow to influence us, and the understanding of our own power.

I confess, I sometimes am guilty of allowing my mind to dwell on matters I have no control over which in turn can be demobilizing and extracts energy from what is truly important (i.e. family, life goals, etc…).  When we practice yoga it encourages this balance amongst all the chakras, and brings an awareness of the changes that need to be made in OUR minds (we can’t do anything about anyone else’s).

So, I encourage you to laugh, and let go of what you can’t control.  “When we can laugh at something, it no longer has power over us.” (“The Sevenfold Journey,” pg. 148 Judith & Vega)  Continue to practice, and notice the areas in your life you need balance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Little Yogis

Kids can do just about anything and make it absolutely adorable even when the act is considered to be "bad behavior."  For example, seeing a toddler who is potty training running through a Barnes and Noble with their pants down is cute and funny.  However, seeing a 50-year-old man do the same thing is unsettling to say the least...and maybe a little funny.  Now people can practice yoga at ANY age without being frowned upon J, but seeing a kid in downward facing dog is one of the most darling things I’ve seen…ever!  So when coming across “The Little Yoga Mat” I had to buy one for my son.  Did I mention he is only 7 months?!  Perhaps, I got a little carried away, but I am looking forward to one day sharing the lovely practice of yoga with my baby boy.  Buy one here for the little ones in your life!

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Golden Vegetable

Okay, okay…this isn’t so much a recipe, but rather some cooking advice.  I have been cooking with spaghetti squash since I married my husband, and started preparing meals for someone other than myself.  (A banana and peanut butter no longer seemed “appropriate” for dinner;).  I felt like I had discovered gold when first cooking with this wonderful vegetable, for it was both delicious and a calorie cutter when substituted for pasta or rice.  Here is the prep work laid out:

Paripurna Navasana

Yoga is not about perfection.  That being said, it is also not about being blissfully ignorant and throwing your body into a pose it simply isn’t ready for.  It’s important to use wisdom when practicing asanas, and with wisdom learning the proper alignment for poses in our daily practice.  In the video link below, Kathryn Budig breaks down Paripurna Navasana.  This is a pose I had the priveledge of teaching over a week ago in my yoga teacher training course, so if interested in learning more modifications for boat pose leave a comment or head over to my contact page J.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby Steps

It’s day five of the “October Cleanse,” a challenge consisting of at LEAST thirty minutes of yoga each day, and I feel great!  It’s amazing how quickly our bodies adapt and conform to a new routine.
That being said, I have a fairly pathetic confession to disclose.  On my (clearing my throat) second…yes, second day of the yoga cleanse I almost gave into temptation and took the day off.  ON DAY TWO!  It’s as if my inner being was whispering “sweet nothings” in attempt to manipulate my mind, “You deserve to rest, your six month old woke up in the middle of the night.  You’ll do great tomorrow!”  And I did, for a second, think about starting over the next day, but quickly remembered that feeling of regret I’ve had in the past after starting a workout program and letting life, distractions,  and even laziness inhibit any sort of progress.

That second night I did the thirty minutes, and only three days later my entire outlook has changed.  So stay encouraged,and keep going.  As Bob Wiley (my favorite Bill Murray character) might say, “Take baby steps,” and you’ll reach your goal soon enough J.