Monday, September 2, 2013

Getting Started

Like most people, especially those of the female gender, I have body image issues.  Just over two years ago I was newly married, head over heels in love, yet still dissatisfied with what I saw in the mirror.  How could one be so happy with the relationships encompassing their life and still feel insatiable?  “Okay, this is the summer I lose ten pounds.”  I started diligently going to the gym, running when I could; however, I wasn’t seeing the results I sought after.  Frustration was on the rise.  Frustration with the lack of progress, and frustration with the fact that I was frustrated ABOUT the lack of progress (it seemed petty).  Well, if something is going on that you don’t like, CHANGE IT!  (I’m fairly certain I heard this on an infomercial some late night).  This is where my yoga journey began…

I dabbled in and out of yoga classes for two years, but my favorite studio space was my living room.  I decided to try yoga on a more consistent basis, and in a matter of weeks my body began to change.  I began to change!  Without sounding overly “spiritual,” after practicing yoga I persisted to learn to slow down and abandon anxieties no run could ever shake off.  Yoga became something I looked forward to, and when Jillian Michaels told me I was a rock star in her DVD, “Yoga Meltdown,” (which I would recommend) I would respond, “NO, you’re the rock star, Jillian!”  Sure, maybe the solitude of my living room was getting to me.  I didn’t care.  I felt GOOD! 

I’m happy to say I lost those ten pounds, but reaped a newfound confidence.  This is how I fell in love with the yoga practice, and would encourage anyone, right in their home, to begin theirs.