Monday, September 9, 2013

October Cleanse

“I’m so sorry.  I don’t mean to be so loud.”  The nurse looked back at me and gave me a warm smile replying, “Don’t be sorry.  You’re doing great.”  I was entering into the last stage of labor, and with each contraction I exhaled a long monotone moan.  I sounded like a whale in heat, which was appropriate for at the end of my pregnancy I also felt like one.  The doctor came in, and it was time to push!  The atmosphere in the room was peculiar; far from anything I had seen portrayed by Hollywood.  Both my legs were up; however, one was only consistently being held while the other would land on what was conveniently located at the height of my dangling foot (i.e. the doctor’s shoulder, a nurse passing by, etc…).  The room was completely relaxed.  Between each push a variety of topics left my lips including knitting and what I considered to be “good” Scotch.
“One more push!”
Within a minute my crying infant was placed on my chest.  I kissed his head, and looked over at my husband.  The look on his face will forever be imprinted on my heart.  Tears filled his eyes.  We had immediately fallen in love with our son, Dylan.
Nearly six months later it feels as though our baby boy has forever been a part of our family.  I’ve never loved the way that I love him.  I know that I am blessed.   
 To all of you new parents: In this special duration of time the hours, days and weeks in the confines of your home may seem to be at a stand still, but the world does go on!  Life continues to evolve, and there will be pockets within this haze when you begin to notice these changes or suddenly get a shot of reality.
About two months ago, although minute and perhaps vain, I had one of these moments.  I was looking in the mirror with an extra five pounds from pregnancy on me (all which seems to have congregated to my upper thighs and rear!), and understood I was ready to get back to where I started.  You see, I had my greatest body practicing yoga pre-pregnancy. I was (and am) unfamiliar with the body I have now, and I yearn for my former physical state.
I’m ready for a drastic overhaul.
As of today, I’m committing to a 30 day yoga cleanse.  The cleanse consists of AT LEAST a half hour of yoga everyday for the month of October.  I challenge you to join me, and leave feedback on how you’re doing, encouragement for others, or frustration you might have.  I would love to hear from you, and would appreciate a community of workout buddies!!!


  1. Half an hour is just enough to be a serious challenge. You mean, like, every single day?! I'm just getting in to the habit of fifteen minutes a day and loving it so I figure why not just double it eh? I'm with you. Good luck!

    1. Looking forward to it! I think I MAY even consider doing before and after photos to post on the blog. Honestly, before my son Dylan was born yoga changed my body in the best possible way. Good luck to you as well. We'll all have to keep each other motivated :)

  2. That will give me enough time to convince myself that I can do it.... October ready.

  3. Ok, Allie, I'm in... Gonna try to get this body flowing tonight after work! Thanks for the awesome inspiration challenge!

    1. Yay! So excited to get started :) We have such a great group doing this cleanse! Let me know how tonight goes...P.S. I'm putting in a hat order on Etsy this week ;)
